Best Block Party: Well, everyone who played front row! Julia with a block of the free ball. Camilla with a stuff block. Jules against the outside. Nicole forming the block. Jolie & Kristina intimidating the outsides.
Best Offense: Nicole. A.K.A. Bazooka. Goodness Nicole, you hit great today. Yes, sure, there was a time in which it was wibbly, but you had a talk with your hand and holy moly. I’m excited for what is to come, because we’ve just scratched the surface.
Most Guts: Gabbi. When things go awry, things go awry. To go back out there takes guts. To go back out there and play aggressively? Takes GUTS.
Best Righty Opposite Hits: Jolie. It is the most difficult of hits to make is one when you have to swing counter to your body. Jolie, you make it seem easy. Not only do you hit the ball, but you have major power behind it. Keep swinging!
Best Imitation of a Tack: Dena. 😉 😉 Need I say more?
Best Run of Serves: Victoria. 11 points + chicken.
Best Oh My Goodness, The Ball is Over My Head hit: Julia. The freeball was over your head, but using your aggressiveness, you were able to reach it and hit it back over!
Best Directional Hitting: Jordyn and Julia. Jordyn for turning and pounding the line. Julia for lefty hitting at the setter. That is totally unexpected for most teams to try to defend and extremely effective for us.
Best Teamwork: EVERYONE!
Best Imitation of a Stopper: Nicole. Everytime we went on a run of missed serves, Nicole would get her serve in. This is very important to stop the other teams’ runs.
Best Rolls Over the Net: Jules. I’m not 100% sure how the physics works, but it’s like you take the ball… and guide it up and then down the net.
Best Hit to where they Ain’t: Nicole. Hits a ball and they have a campfire.
Best Tandem: Jules and Julia. Working the ins and outs of middle play to perfection.
Best Whiffle: Dena. Complete off speed, off of the fingertips… for a point.
Best Imitation of a Pool Player: Kristina. Precise deep right corner. Then precise deep left corner. Keep on doing this and we will make Jules exclusively set you.
Best Non-Freeball freeballs: Dena. Deep corners and low with lots of top spin. Textbook. Really excellent. Way to turn a negative potential into a point!
Best Imitation of Small: Jules. The pass was tight. The set was even tighter. Jules you curled up into a tiny ball and allowed our hitters to work over & around you.
Middle domination: Julia. There was a string of 3-4 points in which you absolutely dominated the middle. (and all done with a sweet smile)
Best Hitting Down: Jordyn. You hit the ball down, so hard that it bounced off of the defender… back over the net! We covered and played on!
Best Strong Topspin serves: Jordyn and Gabbi. Believe me when I tell you, that we are just getting started. With practice and consistency, you will tear apart really good passing teams.
Best Imitation of a Roof: Camilla. Nuff said.